All plant prices are subject to change without notice. A volume discount for customers in good standing is possible. All sales are C.O.D. unless customer has made other arrangements with DNP.
A 30% deposit will secure the order and Delmarva Native Plants will begin to grow the materials. The balance will be Net 30 from the time of delivery. All contract grow orders are custom grown for your specific needs. Upon acceptance of this contract, the plant material specified becomes the buyer’s property and the buyer will be responsible for full payment. NO CANCELLATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Custom orders will be charged a holding fee for any products still at the DNP nursery after 4 weeks from established pick-up or delivery date. A holding fee price will be discussed when a custom order has been confirmed with a signed contract. A holding fee will be charged each month that the plants are not picked-up or delivered to the customer.
Cash, credit cards and pre-approved check payments are accepted. All checks must be approved through the Delmarva Native Plants office for the total amount of the payment prior to pick-up or delivery. Past due accounts are all subject to 1.5% finance charge per month for the first six months (annual percentage rate of 9%). For dishonored checks, the original amount of the payment plus $50 returned check fee must be paid either by money order certified check or cash.
Prior to pick up or delivery, the customer must notify Delmarva Native Plants of their tax-exempt status or if any status changes have been made. The availability of products changes frequently on the website. All orders must be in print received by Delmarva Native Plants. An order confirmation by email must be received from Delmarva Native Plants. Orders that are not received due to email errors are not the responsibility of Delmarva Native Plants. There will be a restocking fee of 30% of the total order price if cancellations are made after the order is pulled.
Delmarva Native Plants does not guarantee successful growth after a sale due to the range of experience the buyer may have. At the time of delivery please count and examine all plants. If there is a plant shortage or damage at the time of delivery notify the driver and contact our main office within 24 hours, otherwise, shipment will be accepted. Please email your claim to [email protected]. Failure to contact Delmarva Native Plants within 24 hours of a problem will result in refusal of the claim. Delmarva Native Plants is not responsible for more than the purchase price of the plant and invoices may not be altered by the customer after delivery or pick-up. If a claim has been approved, a credit will be given for the price of the plants by mail.
Please have a confirmed order with Delmarva Native Plants 24 hours prior to pick-up.
For delivery pricing please call us at 443-258-1565.